Meet Europe’s young independent labels…

Porridge Bullet, I Love You and S1 Warsaw all feature in FIVEUNDERFIFTEEN
FIVEUNDERFIFTEEN: Despotz Records (Sweden)

In collaboration with IMPALA, The Independent Echo is launching FIVEUNDERFIFTEEN – a new spotlight for young labels across Europe. Each month for a limited period, we will focus on five labels – each under fifteen years young. This is one of IMPALA’s fifteenth birthday initiatives focusing on being young and independent. Despotz Records is run […]

In collaboration with IMPALA, The Independent Echo is launching FIVEUNDERFIFTEEN – a new spotlight for young labels across Europe. Each month for a limited period, we will focus on five labels – each under fifteen years young. This is one of IMPALA’s fifteenth birthday initiatives focusing on being young and independent. In 2012, Rafal Grobel […]
IMPALA: 15 years of fighting for independence

Helen Smith talks us through a decade-and-a-half of fighting for indies